Sunday, March 1, 2009


I learned at our church men's group that a truly good life comes in part through good friends and a good marriage. I can definitely attest to the good marriage part, my wife Lisa had added so much to my life it's incredible. Now we are making more friends, and entertaining them at our home, and I can honestly say that that has increased my happiness even more.

We were meant to be social. Our society appears to promote individuality and seclusion (every little family in their own little house). I much prefer the former.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


All my troubles seemed so far away...

Oops, got caught up there. I hope Apple Records isn't sending their lawyers after me.

Yesterday I went to part 2 of a free anxiety clinic I have been attending. It was quite interesting. They handed out a chart that listed different mindsets which a person could have one or more of. The interesting ones for me, and the ones I think applied a lot, were "Worried Mind" and "Victim Mind". "Worried Mind" is always worrying, thinking about worst case scenarios, etc. The "Victim Mind" feels hopeless and helpless. If left to their own, the "Worried Mind" can lead to anxiety, and the "Victim Mind" can lead to depression. And that is exactly what I have, depression and anxiety.

It was a real "a-ha!" moment when I read that.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Obligatory Introductory Post

Well, as is probably custom, this post will talk about me. Well, all posts will probably talk about me, but this one will talk about the basics of me.

My name, if you haven't already guessed from the title, is Nick. I don't really think I'm awesome, nor do I think this blog will be awesome, but I just like the word awesome.

I am a 40 year old guy, married to a beautiful woman and have a son who is currently six. I work with computers as a software developer. I like it, though not with the same passion I had when I started. It has been 18 years, it is probably hard to maintain the same level of enthusiasm so long. I do still love computers, and other high tech.

I am also a Christian. I became a serious Christian in October 2005, and was re-baptized in August of 2007.

I am currently battling depression. I was officially diagnosed in September of 2008. I am actually on medical leave from my job while I get this thing sorted out.

Hmm.. interests.... well, as I indicated above, computers and other high tech gadgetry. I am a fan of the internet. Most evenings I wind down by watching TV in our bedroom while lying on my stomach, and surfing with my Asus EeePC 4G Surf. I also love video games, mostly Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I can talk about those for hours (and sometimes I do). :) I have all the games for either my PS2 or Wii. I always seem to be waiting for the next installment of either game, or the next songs for download. I really do probably spend 90% of my gaming time on those games. Other than those, I love Mario Kart for the Wii and the DS, and I also dabble in other games on the DS and Wii. I also enjoy classic gaming on the PC, using the MAME emulator to play all those great 80's games I grew up with, like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, etc.

Speaking of 80's, another major interest of mine is music, especially 80's rock and pop. If you look through my CD collection you will find a number of 80's compilation discs. For new music, I enjoy new country -- you know, the stuff that borders on rock. I also like classic rock a lot.

I collect souvenir decks of playing cards, and love playing euchre. As of this writing, I haven't played euchre with other people since, oh, my university days. And back then I played too much. Many an hour was spent playing when I should have been studying. Oh well, I ended up graduating. :) I should hopefully be playing an actual game with friends in less than a week from now. I am excited about this.

I guess that covers a lot for now. I don't know who will read this, if anyone, but I figure if my six year old son has a blog (yes, he just got one, unbelievable to me...) that I would try it too.